Interested in Ordering Certificates?

Please download the 
Certificate Order Form Request and send an email to Tammy Hamilton with your chapter name in the subject line: 
[email protected]

Be sure to include the following:

School Name,Name(s) of Students, Inducted Name(s) of Honorary Members,Date to appear in certificates Mailing address for the certificates

Submit ONE (1) check or money order. Please note if you would like priority delivery (optional), include $10.00 for postage.

Certificates will be mailed upon receipt of payment.

Send Payment To

Phi Alpha Honor Society

East Tennessee State University

Attn: Tammy Hamilton

PO Box 70679

Johnson City, TN 37614


Chapter Membership Fee $50

Lifetime Membership Fee $30

Honorary Memberships are free to local chapters.

Each chapter may induct 2 honorary members per academic year.