Benefits of Membership

Recognition of academic excellence

Social Work’s internationally recognized honor society

Social Work’s largest honor society

Students have met high standards

Respected by employers, social workers, and college admissions

National presentation opportunities 

Lifetime membership

Membership certificate and lapel pin

Upcoming Dates

Promotes bonds among students

Induction ceremony

Local chapter meetings

Leadership opportunities 

Phi Alpha hosts an exhibit booth at the conferences below. Please stop by and we will gladly answer questions and share upcoming Phi Alpha opportunities. Pick up free Phi Alpha merchandise and meet the Phi Alpha Executive Board.

Association of College Honor Societies Annual Council Meeting

Little Rock, Arkansas

February 10-12, 2022

Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors Annual Conference

New Orleans, Louisiana

March 2-6, 2022

Joint World Social Work Education and Social Development Conference


Council in Social Work Education – APM

Anaheim, California

November 10-13, 2022

Promotes humanitarian goals and ideas

Community service projects

Volunteer opportunities 

Alumni participation 


Provides grants, awards, and scholarships

MSW scholarships

Patty Gibbs-Wahlberg scholarships

Chapter service awards

Student travel grants

Advisor of the year award

Chapter grants

Student leadership award

Poster presentation competition 

Student membership support

LEAD Training

The Phi Alpha Executive Board and Steering Committee completed Leadership Excellence and Advisor Development Program (LEAD). Phi Alpha will implement the LEAD training program in the near future to help better serve our Chapter Advisors. Pictured above are 
Dr. Paul Baggett, Dr. Jay Gabbard, Kimberly Denton, Michael Berghoef, Tammy Hamilton, Susan Bowden, Dr. Donna Cherry, Marian Mahaffey, Dr. Robin Walters- Powell