
The purpose of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideas. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.


The Chapter Service Program supports chapters in organizing new recruitment. Chapters may ask to receive up to $100.00 towards an event or meeting. Chapters are asked to organize membership and invite students who are eligible to join Phi Alpha. Funds may be used for refreshments, materials or other items. Chapters will also receive a Phi Alpha Table Top Display. Chapters should submit a brief account following the event or meeting. Please contact the Phi Alpha Home Office at phialphainfo@etsu.

Phi Alpha Honor Society DE&I Statement

The purpose of Phi Alpha is to provide a closer bond among students and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha is dedicated to honoring diversity, equality, inclusivity, justice and fostering a community where individuals
from all walks of life can flourish. The vast differences between us, whether it be race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, faith, ability, and their intersections; or any community one
may identify with, brings highly valued experiences and individual expertise that could not be possible without each person feeling welcome, respected and heard. Each of our differences brings a unique perspective that
is essential to growing the field of social work and tackling the oppressive systems that prohibit everyone from reaching their full potential. Phi Alpha is committed to creating a space where diversity is not only welcomed,
but truly valued for all it is worth.


The international Office is pleased to partner with the following organizations. 

The New Social Worker Magazine has been published since 1994. Each issue provides practical articles on social work students, social work ethics, field placement, practice issues, practice specialties, technology in social work, book reviews, and more.

The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. is dedicated to the promotion of excellence in Baccalaureate Social Work Education. 

Founded in 1952, the Council on Social Work Education is the national association representing social work education in the United States. Its members include over 800 accredited baccalaureate and master’s degree social work programs, as well as individual social work educators, practitioners, and agencies dedicated to advancing quality social work education. 

The Association of College Honor Societies founded in 1925, is the nation’s only certifying agency for college and university honor societies. ACHS sets standards for organizational excellence and for scholastic eligibility for the various categories of membership.

Contact us


+ 1 423-439-7467


East Tennessee State University

PO Box 70679

Johnson City, TN 37614